JBW Reports

The following is a list of titles of unpublished reports prepared by JBW as part of their projects supported by sGEF and GGF. (please contact us if you require more information about the subjects covered in the reports)

JBW (2020)

Unpublished report by Jordan BirdWatch, about the economic benefits of harvesting the invasive mesquite shrub in Jordan as means of controlling it spread.

JBW (2022)

  • Towards the protection of threatened birds in Jordan: Assessing the current status of the near endemic Syrian Serin Serinus syriacus in Jordan. 

Unpublished report by Jordan BirdWatch including status, threats and results of a workshop with local authorities and groups of interest to develop an action plan for saving the breeding population of Syrian Serin at Dana.

JBW (2023)

  • Using Prosopis juliflora pods as feed supplements for small ruminants at Wadi Gharaba (Jordan Valley). 

Unpublished report by Jordan BirdWatch on how to harvest and use the pods of alien invasive mesquite as supplementary fodder, as one of the means of controlling its spread.

JBW (2023)

  • Report on the impacts of the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis on agriculture and wild birds, and results of monitoring invasive species in Wadi Gharba (Jordan Valley). 

Unpublished report of the first study about the impacts of  invasive common myna in Jordan, by Jordan BirdWatch, Amman.

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