The Royal Botanic Garden and Jordan BirdWatch sign an MoU

Both parties, RBG and JBW, agreed to cooperate at the Royal Botanic Garden (RBG) at Tal Er-Rumman, located on the slopes overseeing the King Tala Dam between Amman and Jerash.

The site attracts big numbers of passage migrants and winter visitors every year, such as Great cormorants, White Storks, Night Herons, Great and little Egrets. Breeding species include Jackdaws, Greater Spotted Cuckoo, Hobby, Great Tit and Sardinian Warbler. 

  • JBW bird surveys at the Royal Botanic Garden
  • Passage migrants and winter visitors, here Great Cormorants
  • JBW organizing birding trips at the RBG
  • Passage migrants and winter visitors, here White storks

Activities agreed upon will inlude bird surveys, developing the site for birding (e.g. bird hides, trails, prensentation boards, and other printed material), and organizing birding trips (see page…).

The Director of the Royal Botanic Garden, senior staff of RBG, the chair of the board and vice chairman of Jordan BirdWatch all attended the meeting for signing the agreement.

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