A special Conservation Area
Solid waste is one of the main and ever-growing environmental issues in the Jordan Valley, others being depletion of water sources, overgrazing of native vegetation, invasion of alien shrub species and unregulated hunting.
JBW is carrying out projects in one site to tackle the root causes for such local problems and present a model of best practices and for integrated management of ecosystems and natural resources in the Jordan Valley area.

photo by Fares Khoury
Moreover, JBW organizes birding trips to spread awareness and to monitor birds and their habitats.
In this context, Jordan BirdWatch together with Ahl El-Balad initiative carried out a clean-up event in Wadi Gharaba Special Conservation Area, which is located in Ghor Rama north of the Dead Sea on Saturday 7th December 2019. Large amounts of waste were collected, including mainly plastic water bottles and cans.

JBW members also enjoyed watching a variety of birds in and around Wadi Gharaba in the early morning including Herons and Egrets, two Black-winged Kites Kingfishers (three species), Little Green Be-eaters, Bluethroat, Robin, Stonechat, Indian Silverbills and Spanish Sparrows.