Birds of Faynan

Birds of Faynan

Birds of Faynan, Past and Present

A new book “Birds of Faynan – Past and Present” was published as part of the project “People and Birds of the Southern Levant“.

The authors have combined their expertise in ornithology, ecology, archaeology and cultural heritage to produce this guide of the birds of Faynan, SW Jordan, and some of the ways they have inspired artists, poets and story-tellers throughout the history of Jordan.

The book also presents the results of archaeological excavations at a 12,000–10,000 year old Neolithic settlement in Wadi Faynan, which have shown that there were once even more species of birds in Faynan than today. The climate was apparently more humid and much more trees were growing on the mountain slopes 10,000 years ago.

Mithen, S., Khoury, F., Greet, B., White, J. and Masalamani, N. 2019. The Birds of Faynan: Past & Present. Reading, UK: The University of Reading.

ISBN: 9780704915909

Copies can be obtained by contacting us.

Levant Birds

People and Birds in the southern Levant

JBW participated in June 2017 in a workshop and field trips to various areas in Jordan as part of the project “People and Birds in the southern Levant“.

In cooperation with the University of Reading, U.K. and the Faculty of Science, American University of Madaba.

Participants included (zoo-) archeologists, biologists and bird-watchers from the U.K., U.S.A. and Jordan who shared their knowledge about the importance of birds in the present and past.

For more information please see our projects page and visit the web site: People and Birds in the Southern Levant .

Bird Watcher’s Guide to Madaba

Publication and launching of the Bird Watcher’s Guide to Madaba, 15th March 2017

JBW A birdwatcher's guide to Madaba
JBW A birdwatcher’s guide to Madaba

A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Madaba was published by Jordan BirdWatch. This guide describes 15 sites in the extended Madaba region which comprises a variety of bird habitats and scenic landscapes overlooking the Dead Sea.

The guide includes a map, site coordinates, accommodation details, habitat descriptions, systematic checklists as well as explaining why the Madaba region is a definite place for a birder to visit and spend a few days in.

The author is the ornithologist and co-founder of JBW, Dr. Fares Khoury. Printing of the book and a launching event on 15th March 2017 in Madaba city were supported by GIZ (German Agency for Technical Support) and carried out in cooperation with Madaba Tourism Development & Heritage Preservation Association.

Copies can be obtained by contacting us through our contact page

Books about Birds of Jordan

Books for Birdawatchers

  • A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Madaba, published by JBW (2017). The guide includes a map, site coordinates, accommodation details, habitat descriptions, systematic checklists as well as explaining why the Madaba region is a definite place for a birder to visit and spend a few days in.

— read more —

  • Andrews, I. J. (1995). The Birds of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Musselburgh (185pp.)
  • Svensson, L., Mullarney, K., Zetterstrom, D. (2023).CollinsBird Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe (3rd edition; Paperback), HarperCollins, UK (448 pp)

Other useful books and journals with information about birds in Jordan:

  • Mithen, S., Khoury, F., Greet, B., White, J., & Maslamani, N. (2019). Birds of Faynan: past and present. University of Reading.
  • Sandgrouse – the scientific journal regularly published by the Ornithological Society of the Middle East ( – also includes the section “Around the Region” with significant bird records.
  • Cramp S., Simmon K., Perrins C. (eds.) (1976-1994) The Birds of the Western Palearctic. 9 volumes. Oxford University Press.
  • Evans M (1994) Important Bird Areas in the Middle East. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 2. Cambridge.
  • Khoury, F. (2017): A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Madaba. Jordan BirdWatch Association, Amman.
  • Mountford G. (1965) Portrait of a Desert. Collin, London.
  • Nelson J.B. (1973) Azraq: Desert Oasis. Allen Lane, London.
  • Porter, R.; Campbell, O.; Al-Sirhan, A. (2024). Birds of the Middle East (3rd edition; Paperback), Christopher Helm, UK (400 pp).
  • Porter R., Christensen S., Schiermacker-Hansen P. (1996) Field Guide to the Birds of the Middle East. T&AD Poyser. London. -A recent edition was published in Arabic and is available as iPhone and Android application.
  • Beaman M., Madge S. (1998) The Handbook of Bird Identification for Europe and the Western Palearctic. Christopher Helm, London.
  • RSCN (2000) Important Bird Areas in Jordan. Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Amman. -Arabic with English Summary.
  • RSCN (2013) The State of Jordan’s Birds. Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, RSCN, Amman.
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