Jordan BirdWatch organizes kid-friendly activities

Jordan Birdwatch kid-friendly activity with the Royal Botanic Gardens, October 2022 : birdwatch, pic-nic, make-up stand for kids, bird-house workshop...

Jordan BirdWatch organized a fantastic family event kindly hosted by the Royal Botanic Garden in Tal Al-Ruman that featured kid-friendly activities to share  our passion for birds and nature . 

  • Jordan Birdwatch educational programs, bird watching at Tal Al-Ruman
  • Jordan Birdwatch educational programs, visiting the green-house of the Royal Botanic Gardens

The Jordan BirdWatch Association’s education and awareness program also includes excursions to observe wild birds in several Jordanian locations where they live in their natural habitats . 

We would like to thank the staff of the Royal Botanic Garden for being so cooperative and allowing us to enjoy the wonderful area and facilities managed by them. We also thank all participants and volunteers who made this event possible

نظمت الجمعية الاردنية لمراقبة الطيور فعالية للعائلات تضمنت نشاطات للاطفال في الحديقة النباتية الملكيةً في تل الرمان  ويشملً البرنامج التعليمي للجمعية ايضا رحلات مراقبة للطيور البرية في موائلها الطبيعة في شتى مناطق الاردن

شكر خاص للحديقة النباتية الملكية لتعاونها مع الجمعية ولجميع المشاركين والمتطوعين الذين ساهمو في انجاح هذة الفاعلية

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