Books for Birdawatchers
- A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Madaba, published by JBW (2017). The guide includes a map, site coordinates, accommodation details, habitat descriptions, systematic checklists as well as explaining why the Madaba region is a definite place for a birder to visit and spend a few days in.
- Andrews, I. J. (1995). The Birds of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Musselburgh (185pp.)
- Svensson, L., Mullarney, K., Zetterstrom, D. (2023).CollinsBird Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe (3rd edition; Paperback), HarperCollins, UK (448 pp)

Other useful books and journals with information about birds in Jordan:
- Mithen, S., Khoury, F., Greet, B., White, J., & Maslamani, N. (2019). Birds of Faynan: past and present. University of Reading.
- Sandgrouse – the scientific journal regularly published by the Ornithological Society of the Middle East ( – also includes the section “Around the Region” with significant bird records.
- Cramp S., Simmon K., Perrins C. (eds.) (1976-1994) The Birds of the Western Palearctic. 9 volumes. Oxford University Press.
- Evans M (1994) Important Bird Areas in the Middle East. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 2. Cambridge.
- Khoury, F. (2017): A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Madaba. Jordan BirdWatch Association, Amman.
- Mountford G. (1965) Portrait of a Desert. Collin, London.
- Nelson J.B. (1973) Azraq: Desert Oasis. Allen Lane, London.
- Porter, R.; Campbell, O.; Al-Sirhan, A. (2024). Birds of the Middle East (3rd edition; Paperback), Christopher Helm, UK (400 pp).
- Porter R., Christensen S., Schiermacker-Hansen P. (1996) Field Guide to the Birds of the Middle East. T&AD Poyser. London. -A recent edition was published in Arabic and is available as iPhone and Android application.
- Beaman M., Madge S. (1998) The Handbook of Bird Identification for Europe and the Western Palearctic. Christopher Helm, London.
- RSCN (2000) Important Bird Areas in Jordan. Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Amman. -Arabic with English Summary.
- RSCN (2013) The State of Jordan’s Birds. Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, RSCN, Amman.